Sleep Tales: 6 Ways You Can Improve Your Sleep Without Any Medication
Sleep is essential for survival. This is a natural phenomenon that allows your body to relax and your mind to rejuvenate. But in this increasingly digital world, the blue light sensors and work-from-home have apparently pushed all of us off our circadian rhythm.
When was the last time you had a full night of uninterrupted sleep?
Are you facing insomnia that has left you on the brink of exhaustion?
Did you put off your doctor from prescribing sleeping pills yet again?
If you are currently facing any of these conditions, then perhaps it's time for you to reevaluate a few things in life. Here is a list of au naturale and healthy ways that can help you improve the quality of your sleep without the intervention of a doctor or any sleeping pills.
Are you ready to catch some better zzzs?
Stick To A Set Routine
A routine can help your body remain in control of the circadian rhythm. Since the human brain is dependent on patterns and routines, the repetition of activities in the same timeframe will help you sleep better.
Increase Physical Activities
Nothing boosts sleep like exhaustion. From taking hot yoga classes to pilates, HIIT workouts or a long walk before bedtime, each activity can zap your energy levels and leave you physically drained.
You may have a dreamless sleep after a busy day but at least your mind will get a chance to relax.
Destress More Often
Stress is a major cause of sleep disruption. You can start coloring mandalas or take an online course too. This will help you stay distracted enough to catch a few hours of good sleep without fishing for a sleeping pill in your bag.
Try Natural Remedies Like Valerian Root
There happens to be a natural remedy for every condition!
If you are finding it hard to start a new wellness routine and need a little help in improving your sleep, then perhaps, Valerian Root is your best choice!
This herb is rooted in the soils across Europe and the US. It is known for relaxing the body to an extent that decreases the amount of time required to sleep.
It helps people with insomnia and chronic health conditions, get better at life at large.
Stay Hydrated
Hydration is key for your overall health. But it plays a special role in your sleep cycle. Dehydration can cause headaches and sleeplessness that would later lead to horrendous results.
Remember to consume a few extra glasses of water to better your sleep.
Cut Down On Caffeine
Caffeine brings a dose of happiness to the vast majority of lives. It helps people focus and keeps them productive for the entire day. But consuming any quantities of caffeine towards midday could disrupt your sleep.
Make sure that you don’t consume any caffeine after lunch.
Final Thoughts
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